ACE 4 Use scientific methods and knowledge to pose questions, frame hypotheses, interpret data, and evaluate whether conclusions about the natural and physical world are reasonable.
Description | Exemplary 4 |
Acceptable 3 |
Developing 2 |
Deficient 1 |
Use Scientific Knowledge | Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate background information from texts and incorporates relevant information from primary literature. | Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate background information from texts. | Demonstrates familiarity with background knowledge, but with gaps that limit ability to ask appropriate questions. | Lacks the background knowledge and context to ask appropriate questions. |
Pose Questions | Poses questions that can be investigated and that are within the context of existing knowledge. In addition these questions are differentiated into hierarchical levels. | Poses questions that can be investigated and that are in the context of existing knowledge. | Poses questions that can be investigated, but lack connections to existing knowledge. | Cannot frame appropriate questions that can be investigated using scientific methods. |
Frame Hypotheses | States a clear and relevant hypothesis logically related to existing knowledge, clearly describes alternative hypotheses, and identifies experimental predictions. | States a clear and relevant hypothesis that is logically related to existing knowledge but does not describe alternative hypotheses and does not make experimental predictions. | A relevant hypothesis is stated, but it is not logically related to existing knowledge. | Hypothesis does not logically address the stated question. |
Interpret Data | Interprets data utilizing quantitative analysis, and forms data into tables or figures with interpretation appropriate to the question. | Forms data into tables or figures with interpretation appropriate to the question but does not conduct any quantitative analysis of data. | Forms data into tables or figures but without interpretation of these. | Does not interpret data when it is provided in a table or figure. |
Evaluate Whether Conclusions are Reasonable | Relates results to the initial question and to background knowledge; broadens results to an appropriate scope of inference, including an estimate of error or uncertainty. | Relates results appropriately to the initial question and to background knowledge but does not describe the scope of inference for results and does not estimate uncertainty. | Relates results to the initial question but does not also relate these to background knowledge. | Does not reach conclusions that relate to the main question. |