Over 700 courses have been certified for the ACE Student Learning Outcomes and courses are continuously being submitted by faculty for ACE certification. These courses will help prepare you to become a leader in your field by giving you a breadth of knowledge and skills. You will take ACE courses in many disciplines, equipping you to address the complex problems you will face in the future. Employers seek to hire applicants with these skills; graduate schools admit students who demonstrate these abilities.

By taking ACE courses you will learn to :

  • Write better and communicate more clearly in various ways
  • Sharpen your math abilities
  • Think like a scientist, humanist, social scientist, and artist
  • Expand your horizons in the areas of ethics, diversity, and global awareness
  • Integrate what you've learned and apply that knowledge to develop solutions to new problems

Connecting ACE and Career Success

Faculty identified the ACE areas based in part on demands they heard from employers and graduate schools who sought candidates who can demonstrate these capabilities. The result was a cutting edge general education program that has been a model for several other institutions.

Employers hire students who can demonstrate these abilities and skills. The Association of American Colleges and Universities published results of a survey (2021)that demonstrates the importance of general education courses as a foundation for career success. More than 450 employers responded to the survey offering substantial reasons why students need to take general education courses and what they look for in candidates they hire.

As you look through the attributes employers favor note how similar these are to the ACE learning outcomes. This 2021 report offers evidence that the students who are competent in the ACE areas gain a solid foundation for learning that is relevant.

Current Semester ACE Offerings

ACE courses offered in the current or upcoming terms.

Spring 2025 ACE Courses Offered List

ACE Courses by Interest Area

To show you how you can make the most of ACE, we’ve created suggestions of courses around several themes. But you’re not limited to these areas. You can pursue your own interests.

Check out these ideas of courses to meet ACE requirements or electives that are available to all students, grouped by interest themes. Your advisor may be able to suggest other ACE courses related to your interests.



8 or 9PHIL 106Philosophy and Current Issues
5 or 9PHIL 218Philosophy of Feminism (WMNS 218)
5 or 8PHIL 221Political Philosophy
5 or 8PHIL 230Philosophy of Law
8PHIL 323Topics in Applied Ethics
8 or 9PHIL 325Advanced Social Political Philosophy
6 or 8POLS 100Power and Politics in America
6POLS 150Introduction to Biology, Psychology, and Politics
9POLS 160International Relations (GLST 160)
6POLS 227The Presidency
6POLS 230Elections, Political Parties, and Special Interests
6 or 9POLS 238Blacks and the American Political System (ETHN 238)
4 or 6POLS 250Genetics, Brains, and Politics
6POLS 350Issues in Biology, Psychology, and Politics
6 or 9POLS 375Conflict and Development in Africa (ETHN 275)


Health Related Fields
5ANTH 260Pandemics from Past to Present
9ANTH 265Global Health
4CHEM 109AGeneral Chemistry I (Pre-requisite: MATH 103 or higher)
5ENGL 210IIllness and Health in Literature
9ETHN 330Multicultural Education (TEAC 330)
5HIST 228History of Medicine in Western Society
4LIFE 120/LFundamentals of Biology I
5 or 8PHIL 213Medical Ethics
4 or 6POLS 250Genetics, Brains, and Politics
9WMNS 202Women, Gender, and Health
African American Life
5 or 9ENGL 244African American Literature since 1865 (ETHN 244)
5ENGL 244EAfrican American Literature before 1865 (ETHN 244E)
8 or 9ETHN 200Introduction to African American Studies
6 or 9POLS 238Blacks and the American Political System (ETHN 238)
9RELG 226The History of African-American Religious Experience (ETHN 226/HIST 226)
Civic Engagement
4AGRI 115Biotechnology: Food, Health and Environment
2COMM 209Public Speaking
2COMM 210Communicating in Small Groups
8COMM 220Public Advocacy and Civic Engagement
5COMM 250Rhetoric, Media, and Civic Life
8COMM 375Theories of Persuasion
1ENGL 151Writing for Change
5 or 8ENGL 275Introduction to Rhetorical Theory
8 or 9ENGL 376Rhetoric: Argument and Society
8 or 9PHIL 106Philosophy and Current Issues
5PHIL 220Elements of Ethics
5 or 8PHIL 221Political Philosophy
8 or 9PHIL 225Environmental Ethics
5 or 8PHIL 320Ethical Theory
8PHIL 323Topics in Applied Ethics
6POLS 230Elections, Political Parties, and Special Interests
4 or 6POLS 250Genetics, Brains, and Politics
9POLS 333Immigration and Politics (ETHN 333)
6POLS 350Issues in Biology, Psychology, and Politics
6PSYC 288The Psychology of Social Behavior
6 or 9SOCI 180Social Problems
3SOCI 206Introduction to Social Statistics
8WMNS 210Activism and Feminist Communities
Social Justice
2ALEC 102Interpersonal Skills for Leadership
2ARTP 160Street Art: Visual Voice in the Urban Environment
5COMM 250Rhetoric, Media, and Civic Life
2 or 9COMM 311Intercultural & Intergroup Communication (ETHN 311)
2COMM 374Mental Health Communication: Communication, Stigma & (Dis)Connection
9CRIM 338Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice
1ENGL 151Writing for Change
5 or 8ENGL 210PLiterature of War and Peace
5 or 9ENGL 212Introduction to LGBTQ Literature (WMNS 212)
5 or 9ENGL 215Introduction to Women's Literature (WMNS 215)
5 or 9ENGL 242Global Literatures since 1850 (GLST 242)
1ENGL 254/254HWriting and Communities
5 or 8ENGL 275Introduction to Rhetorical Theory
1ENGL 354Writing: Uses of Literacy
8 or 9ENGL 376Rhetoric: Argument and Society
8 or 9ETHN 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies
5 or 9ENGL 244African American Literature since 1865 (ETHN 244)
5ENGL 244EAfrican American Literature before 1865 (ETHN 244E)
5 or 9ENGL 312LGBTQ Literature and Film (WMNS 312)
9ENGL 315BWomen in Popular Culture (WMNS 315B)
7FILM 373Film Theory and Criticism
8GEOG 403Environmental Justice
6GLST 280Colonization, Decolonization and Globalization (ANTH/ETHN 280)
5HIST 204Women and Gender in U.S. History (WMNS 204)
9HIST 254Human Rights in Modern World History
9HIST 286The Music of Protest
8 or 9JOMC 222Social Justice, Human Rights and the Media
4NRES 108Earth's Natural Resource Systems Laboratory
5 or 8PHIL 105The Philosophy of Food
8 or 9PHIL 106Philosophy and Current Issues
5 or 9PHIL 218Philosophy of Feminism (WMNS 218)
5PHIL 220Elements of Ethics
8 or 9PHIL 225Environmental Ethics
5 or 8PHIL 230Philosophy of Law
5 or 8PHIL 320Ethical Theory
6 or 9POLS 238Blacks and the American Political System (ETHN 238)
9POLS 333Immigration and Politics (ETHN 333)
9RELG 108World Religions
9RELG 181Judaism, Christianity and Islam
4 or 8SCIL 109Water in Society (AECN/ENVR/GEOG/NRES 109)
6 or 9SOCI 180Social Problems
6 or 9SOCI 200Gender in Contemporary Society (WMNS 200)
6SOCI 209Sociology of Crime
6 or 9SOCI 217Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (ETHN 217)
9WMNS 201Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Sexuality Studies
8WMNS 210Activism and Feminist Communities
Cultural Diversity
6ANTH 212Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (ETHN 212)
8ANTH 352Indigenous Peoples of the Great Plains (ETHN 352)
2ARTP 160Street Art: Visual Voice in the Urban Environment
2COMM 101Communication in the 21st Century
2COMM 210Communicating in Small Groups
2COMM 283Interpersonal Communication
2 or 9COMM 311Intercultural & Intergroup Communication (ETHN 311)
2COMM 360Dialogue Across Difference
5 or 9ENGLChose from the many ethnic literature courses
9ENVR 249Individual and Cultural Perspectives on the Environment (NRES 249)
8 or 9ETHN 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies
8 or 9ETHN 200Introduction to African American Studies
8 or 9ETHN 201Introduction to Indigenous Studies
9ETHN 202Introduction to Latinx Studies
9GLST 214Food and Culture (ANTH 214, MODL 214)
6GEOG 361Urban Geography
9HISTChose from many ethnic history courses
9HIST 113History of Hip Hop (ETHN 113)
9HIST 181Introduction to East Asian Civilization (POLS 171)
9HIST 219Introduction to Jewish History (RELG/JUDS 219)
7MUNM 276GThe Music Experience
7 or 9MUNM 280World Music
3PHIL 211Introduction to Modern Logic
5 or 9PHIL 218Philosophy of Feminism (WMNS 218)
5 or 9PHIL 265Philosophy of Religion
9POLS 160International Relations (GLST 160)
6 or 9POLS 238Blacks and the American Political System (ETHN 238)
4 or 6POLS 250Genetics, Brains, and Politics
6 or 9POLS 375Conflict and Development in Africa (ETHN 375)
9PSYC 330Psychology of Diversity
9RELG 180Culture, Religion, and Society in Asia (HIST 180)
3SOCI 206Introduction to Social Statistics
6 or 9SOCI 217Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (ETHN 217)
9TEAC 330Multicultural Education (ETHN 330)
8ARCH 107Sustainability Basics and the Built Environment
9CHME 204Carbon Footprints: From Greenhouse Gases to Global Warming
5ENGL 317Literature and the Environment
9ENSC 110Energy in Perspective
4ENSC 220Energy Systems and Sustainability
8ENVR 201Science, Systems, Environment and Sustainability
9ENVR 249Individual and Cultural Perspectives on the Environment (NRES 249)
8ENVR 334Psychology of Environmental Sustainability (PSYC 334)
6 or 9GEOG 181Global Environmental Issues
6GEOG 362Rural Landscapes and Livelihoods in a Global World
8GEOG 403Environmental Justice
7 or 9PLAS 200Landscape and Environmental Appreciation (GEOG 200, LARC 200)
4METR 180Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment
9NRES 104Climate in Crisis
4NRES 108Earth's Natural Resource Systems Laboratory
4NRES 115Introduction to Environmental Science
5 or 6NRES 289People and the Land: Human Environmental Interactions on the Great Plains (GEOG 289)
2NRES 301Environmental Communication Skills (Pre-requisite: Take ACE 1 course first)
5 or 8PHIL 105The Philosophy of Food
8 or 9PHIL 225Environmental Ethics
The Past
7AHIS 101Cave Paintings to Cathedrals
7AHIS 102Renaissance to Modern Art
6 or 9ANTH 110Introduction to Anthropology
6ANTH 130Anthropology of the Great Plains
6ANTH 212Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (ETHN 212)
4ANTH 232Introduction to Archaeology
4ANTH 242Introduction to Biological Anthropology
6 or 9ANTH 252World Archaeology, Global Heritage (CLAS 252)
8ANTH 352Indigenous Peoples of the Great Plains (ETHN 352)
5ENGL 260American Literature before 1865
4GEOL 103Earth Through Time
4GEOL 105Fossils and the History of Life
5HIST 130Premodern Europe
5HIST 209Ancient Greece (CLAS 209)
5HIST 210Ancient Rome (CLAS 210)
5HIST 211History of the Middle Ages (MRST 211)
8HIST 243Early America to 1800
5PHIL 231History of Philosophy (Ancient)
5PHIL 232History of Philosophy (Modern)
5PHIL 336Ethics: Ancient and Medieval
5PHIL 337Knowledge: Ancient and Medieval
5PHIL 338Metaphysics: Ancient and Medieval
Nutrition and Health
5ANTH 260Pandemics from Past to Present
9ANTH 265Global Health
4AGRI 115Biotechnology: Food, Health and Environment
5ENGL 210IIllness and Health in Literature
4FDST 131The Science of Food
6GERO 200Introduction to Gerontology
9NUTR 253Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition (Pre-requisite: NUTR 100 or 250)
5 or 8PHIL 105The Philosophy of Food
5 or 8PHIL 213Medical Ethics
9WMNS 202Women, Gender, and Health
Home and Family
2COMM 210Communicating in Small Groups
2COMM 283Interpersonal Communication
6COMM 370Family Communication
6CYAF 160Human Development and the Family
6CYAF 280Family Science
5ENGL 216Children's Literature
4FDST 131The Science of Food
6FINA 260Personal Finance
6GERO 200Introduction to Gerontology
9GLST 214Food and Culture (ANTH 214, MODL 214)
5HIST 249History of the American Family
7 or 9PLAS 200Landscape and Environmental Appreciation (GEOG 200, LARC 200)
7PLAS 261Floral Design I
9NUTR 253Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition (Pre-requisite: NUTR 100 or 250)
5 or 9PHIL 218Philosophy of Feminism (WMNS 218)
7PHOT 161Photography for Non-majors
6 or 9SOCI 226Families and Society
9TEAC 330Multicultural Education (ETHN 330)
9TMFD 123Clothing and Society: You Are What You Wear
4TMFD 206Textiles
5CLAS 241Ancient Greek Athletics
7DANC 159Introduction to Dance History
4FDST 131The Science of Food
5HIST 222History of Sport
6 or 7MUNM 301Music and Sports: Performance and Perception
7AHIS 101Cave Paintings to Cathedrals
7AHIS 102Renaissance to Modern Art
5ENGL 231British Literature: Romantics Through Modernists
5 or 9ENGL 245AIntroduction to Asian American Literature (ETHN 245A)
5 or 9ENGL 344DCaribbean Literature (ETHN 344D)
5 or 9ENGL 346Cuban-American Literature (ETHN 346)
9GEOG 272Geography of World Regions
6GEOG 361Urban Geography
9GEOG 380Geography of Africa (ETHN 380, NRES 380)
4GEOL 109Oceanography
4 or 9GEOL 125Frontiers in Antarctic Geosciences
5HIST 209Ancient Greece (CLAS 209)
5HIST 210Ancient Rome (CLAS 210)
5HIST 231Revolutions and Misbehaving Monarchs in Pre-Modern England (MRST 231)
5HIST 262Russia: The Nineteenth Century to the Present
4METR 100Weather and Climate
7 or 9MUNM 280World Music
7PHOT 161Photography for Non-majors
American Travel
5ENGL 260American Literature before 1865
5ENGL 261American Literature since 1865
6GEOG 361Urban Geography
5HIST 110American History to 1877
5HIST 111American History After 1877
7 or 9PLAS 200Landscape and Environmental Appreciation (GEOG 200, LARC 200)
7MUNM 387History of American Jazz
5 or 6NRES 289People and the Land: Human Environmental Interactions on the Great Plains (GEOG 289)
7PHOT 161Photography for Non-majors
Science and Technology
4AGRI 115Biotechnology: Food, Health and Environment
9ENSC 110Energy in Perspective
8ENVR 201Science, Systems, Environment and Sustainability
4FDST 131The Science of Food
4 or 9GEOL 125Frontiers in Antarctic Geosciences
5HIST 221Science in History
5HIST 228History of Medicine in Western Society
5ENGL 277Being Human in a Digital Age (HIST 277)
8 or 9PHIL 212Ethics of Technology and Big Data
5 or 8PHIL 213Medical Ethics
4 or 6POLS 250Genetics, Brains, and Politics
4PSYC 273Brain & Behavior
6AECN 141Introduction to the Economics of Agriculture
9AECN 346World Food Economics
1BSAD 220Business Writing
2COMM 286Business and Professional Communication
6 or 8ECON 200Economic Essentials and Issues
6ECON 211Principles of Macroeconomics
6ECON 212Principles of Microeconomics
1JGEN 120Basic Business Communication
1JGEN 200Technical Communication I
3MATH 104Applied Calculus
3MATH 106Calculus I
8PHIL 208Business Ethics
9POLS 160International Relations (GLST 160)

Transfer Credit

When a course from another institution is established as equivalent to a UNL course through articulation or equivalency agreements, then that course will fulfill the same ACE outcome as the equivalent ACE-certified UNL course.

In cases where no articulation or equivalency agreement exists, the transferring course may be counted for that student as ACE-equivalent.